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We've Got Big NEWS

We're adopting
the entire ...
graduating class of
Fairfield Central High School....

No matter how old we become... I'm sure that all of us remember graduating from High School. That day is definitely a day that we remember for ever. I can remember graduating from Fairfield Central High School many years ago. I remember the excitement. The feeling of accomplishment and expectations of the future along with bright hopes of ambitions of achieving the impossible.
When I realized that so many of our students in the Fairfield County Area missed out on so many of their senior year experiences like the prom, being able to see so many of their classmates before ending the school year, having their family and friends attend graduation with them, etc. because of the COVID-19 Crisis I could not sit idle.
We wanted to do something to ENCOURAGE and SUPPORT you during this time. So we've come up with a great way to honor and recognize your class this year during a VERY SPECIAL LIVE BROADCAST at The Rock Church. This LIVE BROADCAST gives us the ability to recognize your class in a special way and we are extremely excited about this opportunity. But we are asking you to register to participate in this major celebration this year. As an extra incentive for your participation we are agreeing to give every graduate that registers a $25 Gift Certificate to the store of their choice. When we were planning for this event we also wanted you to have your Class T-Shirts this year with all of your names on the back of them as a keep sake. I immediately reached out to the Fairfield Education Foundation and I am extremely grateful that they have agreed to join us in this effort. So that means that for every student who registers you will now receive both a $25 Gift Card AND Your FCHS Class of 2020 T-Shirt with the names of your graduating classmates on the back.
But wait that's not it.....
During our planning we also recognized that Parents and Families lost something as well. They lost the ability to gather around and SHOUT OUT or RALLY AROUND their graduate. We wanted to find a way to give families and parents a chance to "Shout Out" their graduates this year in a special way.
Normally during graduations families and friends are able to gather in large numbers to cheer and rally around their graduate in honor of all of their amazing accomplishments and efforts on finishing high school and earning their diploma. So we came up with a way to give this back to parents, families, and friends. This year we aren't only asking students to register but we're asking the families of the graduates to register as well.... and to submit a 30 Second Short SHOUT OUT VIDEO!!!!! We will air those videos during our LIVE BROADCAST. Anddddddddd the TOP 3 SHOUT OUT VIDEOS will receive a special CASH PRIZE OF AN ADDITION $100 for their GRADUATE!!!
We know that these acts are small but we do hope that in some small way we will be able to encourage you this year. In addition, while we want to encourage Seniors everywhere we recognize that we have been planted in the Fairfield Area and we believe in making a difference.
Finally, we want to thank Dr. Swilley, principal of the Fairfield Central High School and the Fairfield Education Foundation for allowing us to help make this year special for the Graduates of the FCHS Class of 2020. Join us by registering at the link above!
And let's find a way to give some ENCOURAGEMENT to this class in the MIDST of the CRISIS.
God Bless You,
- Pastor Charles
w/Special Thanks to The Rock Church & The Fairfield Education Foundation
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